Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Temporary Truths & Lying by omission

A lie is a lie is a lie. Temporary truths are those little white lies that males use to buffer what they know will lead to an awkward situation and an uncomfortably judgemental conversation with their female companion. They know that if they divulge the entire truth, it may compromise their chances of getting some. Especially if they are on the right path.

This one guy I dated a while back was the King of temporary truths. What he didn’t realize was that ultimately the complete truth would come to light. I feel like guys think it’s okay to tell these types of truths because they’re technically true… well, depending on what day of the week you ask.

I have my own place.

Temporary independence is not gonna work. I had a guy tell me once that since he was having problems with his roommate, and was gonna have to move in and sleep on his homeboys couch.

I just lost my job.

Liar, you lost your job 2 years ago. Way before the recession hit.

I don’t have any kids.

Now this is technically true since your ex girlfriend is 6 months pregnant and has yet to give birth to your little girl.

I haven’t had sex in a while.

His excuse after arriving way before you were even close. You realize after the fourth disappointing performance, that the reason he hasn’t had sex in a while, is because he’s a selfish one minute man.

Understand this, little white lies or temporary truths are still lies. Keep it 100 and we should be fine.

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