Monday, December 29, 2014

0 to 100 Real Quick

I can't sleep so I'm up thinking about my favorite topic; my dating. I had a good laugh thinking about men and how crazy they are. Fun but bat shit crazy. Just last week I ran into a guy I use to date and things (for him) went from 0 to 100 real quick. He wanted to rekindle what we had and I wanted to continue dancing my night away, alone. After we had a conversation about the ending of our little ship, he thought it was a good idea to call me the days following. Of course he was the kind of guy to pick up the phone and call, he's crazy remember.

A little background on this gentleman, I met him at an art event at the beginning of last year. We went out a few times, literally 3 times before he stopped calling. It was very clear to me that he stopped calling because I turned down his invitation for a home cooked meal.  I just wasn't ready to participate in a sleepover in the middle of a snow storm with some man I barely knew. I'm sure he wasn't use to hearing no from a woman and it was on to the next. Bye Felicia.

As he was hitting me up throughout the weekend, I was enjoying myself and being short through text. I didn't actually call him back but I would reply to text. He called me out on my evasiveness and I let him know we had some things to discuss before moving forward. After setting a time to discuss the issue I had, he was unreachable. I knew I wasn't really interested when I was relieved he didn't answer.

The events that followed showed me something I've been seeing repeatedly over the last several years, women aren't the only one's who create relationships in their head. It was clear that this man had planned out our entire relationship while failing to actually get to know who I was. Once he realized that I was not interested in anything further (he didn't realize this until after I explained it to him in three different ways) he became a complete asshole.

Here are a few highlights before and after reality set in for him:

"Morning beautiful, can't wait to wake up and roll over next to you and say that." I had kissed this man one time on our third date. He hadn't even gotten to first base and here he was talking about waking up after hitting a home run.  I didn't even respond to this part of his texting.

"You know the reason why you're hesitant to fall head over heels for me." We literally went out on 3 dates two years ago and had no communication since so yes I know the reason stranger.

"I felt like you knew I was slowing myself down so I wouldn't scare you away." Nope sir, I had no clue because you were actually too aggressive to begin with.

"I vowed to never be anybody but myself." Vowed? You vowed?!?!?

"I have no time for superficial games with women who cry wolf but don't get that wolf is a kids game!" Yeah he included the exclamation point for emphasis but I wish he would have included a guide to help me interpret his thought process. Cry wolf? Because I said I wasn't interested.

"#dropthemicimgone" Yes. He really used a hashtag in a textersation. What kind of world are we living in?

He was blocked immediately following his last message.

So glad I dodged that bullet! (Exclamation included for emphasis)

So I'm 30

I turned 30 last month and I've been trying to figure out what I could blog about in celebration of this milestone in my life. My original post was rather short so I decided to expand: Yes, I'm old and its freaking awesome. I figured that was a little too blunt and to the point, kind of like me but I knew I could say a little more.

Professionally I am exactly where I want to be.  I love what I'm doing and I see a long fulfilling career in higher education. Perks like getting 2 paid weeks off during the winter break and short Fridays in the summer are fabulous but working closely with students who are at the pinnacle of their lives is the most rewarding part.  While I was more than excited to be done with my program last year I can't say for sure I'm done with school. I'll just say for now I am taking an extended break.

Culturally I have been investing heavily in the economy by supporting jobs in the US and contributing to domestic tax revenue aka I travel a lot. I spend less money on things (although I still love a good sale) and more money on memories. This year alone I visited 5 different countries: Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Amsterdam, Belgium and France. The goal is to continue to expand my mind by traveling for as long as there is life in my body. Knowing of course that at some point I'll need to slow down but it will always be a hobby of mine. I'm happy to be in a place to enjoy the fruits of my hard labor.

In terms of health, I still run. Not as frequently as I would like sometimes but its still a part of my life. Instead of several races a year I now participate in a few throughout the year. I have a half-marathon coming up in January and I've kind of been training. It's definitely time for me to find a new health related hobby. I run, I know I can run, time to switch it up a bit. Whatever I choose will be a financial commitment so I just need to wrap my mind about that.

Also related to my health is cooking. I swear I'm getting really good. I would give my current skills a B-. I'm no chef but I can make more than spaghetti, burgers and fried chicken. During most weeks, I cook all my meals for work so I know exactly what's going into my body.

Now the good stuff, personally the end of this year has been the longest I haven't been working towards a relationship with a man. My phone is so silent since I spend less time entertaining men I don't mesh with.  My blogger name, 'Silent Scorpion' is starting to take on a new meaning. But after thinking about it, it just makes sense. I've done all the dating I need to do to know exactly who I am and what I do and don't want.  Sometimes it gets lonely having the most silent phone on the planet but I genuinely enjoy laying low and being alone. No I don't plan on having a ceremony to marry myself. It's not that serious.  I love being in a relationship, I love being the doting, caring, thoughtful partner. It's so nice to have someone who also wants the same for you but that's not where I am right now.

On the other hand, I've developed deeper relationships with some of my old friends but I've also added some new friends. Drake was wrong, new friends are great.

[Insert all encompassing ending paragraph...its midnight in LA and I'm going to bed]